Thirty years ago, Maureen and Hugh Edwards took the greatest risk of their married life and secured a controlling interest in Moorcroft. If asked, they would deny that they had committed themselves to a whole generation at the helm, but that is what it has turned out to be. The Phoenix Years have passed and the legendary bird itself is in full flight. Today, as Director of Art, it falls to me to introduce what we all hope will be a gesture of thanks to the two people who gave up a great slice of their time and the whole of their successful careers in the Law to serving Moorcroft. Neither has any regret. Their reward for 30 years loyal service to Moorcroft’s art pottery, lies in the plethora of exquisite Moorcroft to have emerged on their watch. Asked what he would like to see after 30 years this September, the reply from Hugh was typical. “Nothing retro. No reflections on the past. You should know by now that the only interest I have, and have ever had, is in the future”. The Moorcroft Phoenix is indeed flying into the future, and this 2016 Flying Phoenix Collection has been designed to carry us all with it.